Take Away the Complexity & Enable Operating Companies to Focus on Their Core Business

  • To ensure the Aviation Refueling industry is on track to achieving net zero emissions by Our industry must significantly increase the uptake of BEVs within the current decade.
  • Build a single market for technical services supported by a single rulebook and convergence of supervisory practices.
  • Help vehicle manufacturers focus their efforts to ensure new models are supplied to the market and continue to comply.
  • Study with the vehicle manufacturer to identify and minimize risks related to the electric high voltage technology and the requirements for the lithium batteries.
  • Build use cases that will help drive the market, build momentum, and increase policymaker confidence.
  • Identify the need to deliver a genuinely green and regenerative economy.
  • Support Members in the transformation of their economies into green growth.
  • Engage with a wide range of industry and policy stakeholders on all transformation topics to facilitate cooperation and promote partnerships between them.

Close Remaining Gaps & Address Emerging Risks

  • Propose initiatives to close remaining gaps and address emerging risks with an overall objective, to build well-regulated and supervised financial markets.
  • Setting standards that are stringent enough and yet feasible to understand what technologies are possible and cost-effective not only today but years in the future.
  • Ultimately benefiting consumers and the environment as the competition between hydrogen and electric vehicles continue evolving.
  • Covering why it’s important - what has changed recently - what we need to overcome - what we plan to fund - where, how much it will cost, and how we plan to track progress.
  • Helping the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) to move more quickly to bring options to market.